A Guide to Macros for the Beginner

If there's anything I know about macros, is that it can kind of be like a game of Tetris, especially when you're first starting out. There's a lot of pre planning, swapping, switching, changing of measurements, etc.

After I asked on stories this week about what I could provide that would be most helpful to those of you participating in the Madeline Moves Tighter Together challenge, there was an overwhelming response. I rounded up the most asked questions/suggestions, and decided to write a blog post.

I absolutely know I won't get to every question, but these seemed to be overwhelmingly popular, so hopefully this is helpful to at least some of you!

Cheat sheets

Sometimes the hardest part of macros is coming up with proteins, carbs, and fats. I could have a pantry and refrigerator full of food, but sometimes when I'm actually in MyFitnessPal planning my day, I can't come up with a single thing.

Lists of go to's seemed to be a popular suggestion in response to things that would help you, so here are a couple of lists! Please feel free to screen shot, save etc.

All I ask is that if you share them via social media, you tag me!

Click here to download and save to your phone!

Protein Cheat Sheet


Click here to download and save to your phone!

Fat Cheat Sheet


Click here to download and save to your phone!

Carbs Cheat Sheet


My tips

Plug your food in the night before

  • By doing this, you don't have to think about it the next day and you're much more likely to stay on track if you've already planned your numbers out.

  • It makes things super complicated to guess and check all day long, so having it planned out head of time takes the guess work out of it!

Create meals in MyFitnessPal

  • This makes things so quick and easy! I typically eat the same things for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a week at a time! For example: collagen coffee, pancake bites, and turkey sausage for breakfast. So instead of having to input those separately each day, I save that combination of items as a meal so that I can just add that "meal" each morning instead of each individual item! This makes it very quick to copy and paste your meals each day, and cuts down on time you’re inputting your food. It looks like this:

In the beginning (for me!) it's easier to eat the same meals for B/L/D!

  • I know it can sound boring to eat the same breakfast for 5 days straight, but it truly makes things so much easier/quicker. If you find things you truly love, it shouldn't bother you! I switch the meals up each week so it never gets boring to me. That way you're not really having to rework your meals/macros each day, you're just plugging in the same main meals, just switching up the most quick / easy things like snacks each day! Less variation (in the beginning) makes macro counting easier. When you get the hang of macros and get more comfortable, you can start changing things up more often.

I always aim to hit my protein first!

  • When I plan my food the night before, I aim to hit my protein goal before I start adding in any carb and fat sources. I do this by adding a protein source at all 5 of my meals first; 3 main meals, and 2 snacks. If you do this, you should automatically be pretty close to hitting your goal. Then you'll be able to add in fats and carbs without going over, while still hitting your protein goal!

Give yourself grace!

  • I know at the beginning it can seem so overwhelming, and that's normal, but give yourself grace. If you've never done this before, the expectation that you're going to do things perfectly for 30 days straight is unreasonable. You have to think big picture! It's about creating a habit more than anything. Focus on progress, not perfection. This is a huge change from the way most people normally eat, and it's a big learning curve, so just know that and get comfortable with not hitting your numbers 30/30 days.

Bulk prep two sources of protein every week!

  • Hitting protein goals is hard for a lot of people, but that's because it's so overcomplicated, and it doesn't have to be! My best advice is to pick two proteins you love and make them on Sunday. My favorite is crockpot pulled pork, and baked chicken. I shred the pork and cut the chicken and put them in tupperware. That way they're easy to grab and go! They can be put on salads, in wraps, on pitas, on flatbreads, in burrito bowls, however I need them throughout the week! It's the biggest help and such a time saver!

  • The times I'm not hitting my protein goal are the times I don't have any on hand and ready to go. So by doing this, it gives me no excuse not to eat protein when it's sitting in the fridge, cut up and ready to go!

Recipes are NOT mandatory!

  • I think making recipes and inputting them into MyFitnessPal, weighing the ingredients, etc. is super intimidating to people and I get that entirely. It still isn't my favorite thing to do. The solution? Don't make recipes. Prep two sources of proteins and carbs and pick and choose what you feel like each day. You can come up with tons of different combos with two proteins, two carbs, some fats, and veggies! That way, they're whole foods (way easier to input into MFP) and they're so easy to track!

  • Something many of you asked is how to input cooked proteins into MFP. I promise it’s not confusing! All you have to do is search “cooked chicken” or a “cooked” version of whatever protein it is, and enter your ounces / grams, that way you know it’s the accurate version of what you’re inputting.

Sample Meal Plan

I created this sample meal plan as a rough outline/guide for those of you who have never counted before, and for those of you who struggle seeing the big picture!

I think it's easy to think that macros means having boiled chicken and brown rice for ever meal, when in reality, macros allows you the freedom to have so many different foods! Keep in mind this is just one example! There are so many ways to hit these macro numbers!

Click here to download and save to your phone!

Macro Meal Plan Sample


High protein snacks

Click here to download and save to your phone!

High Protein Snacks List


Food Scale Recommendation

This scale is made with tempered glass, so it's nearly indestructible! It's also water proof which is amazing, and it's thin and sleek enough to keep on your countertop!

Food Scale is linked here!


Cranberry Orange Protein Pancake Bites


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