Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Perfect Bars

If you've been following me for any length of time, you know my love for Perfect Bar runs deep. These bars are not only made with good for you ingredients, but they're also delicious. I personally think they're worth their weight in gold, so the $2 price point doesn't usually deter me from buying them, but being able to whip up a batch to have on hand at home is definitely more appealing than having to fight the circus that usually is Trader Joe's when I need a restock!I will warn you in saying they are very, very close to the real deal, so if you find yourself three bars deep before you even get them into the refrigerator, you knew what you were getting into! I will also say this: I have only tried them with this specific protein powder, and I really do think it's part of the reason they taste so much like a real Perfect Bar. This specific protein helps bring out the vanilla flavor in the store bought Perfect Bar, and it isn't grainy/dissolves really, really well. I'm sure you could sub the protein for another brand, I just can't promise it'll taste the same! This is THE closest I've gotten to the Perfect Bar flavor and texture, so if you want the best results, use everything I use!

  • Microwave the peanut butter and honey for 1 minute, then mix thoroughly.
  • Whisk in the protein powder until combined.
  • Add vanilla extract and salt,
  • Pour into an 8x8 square baking dish, lined with saran wrap or parchment paper.
  • Spread the mixture evenly and sprinkle chocolate chips on top.
  • Refrigerate for an hour and enjoy!


Brownie Batter Bites


San Francisco + Napa Valley