Madeline Moves Q+A

Do you do it in the mornings or at night?

I do all the workouts at night! I'd have to get up at 4 to finish in the mornings before school, so this works best for me. But I know plenty of girls who do it in the mornings!

Did you die in the beginning? I started today and could barely finish.

It's tough when you first start! Especially if you're coming from a training plan that wasn't nearly as intense. Give yourself some grace, take things slow, modify, go at your own pace! Don't kill yourself over it!

Do you consistently count macros like you do during Tighter Together?

I track consistently during TT, but after it's over I'm tracking pretty loosely. I know where I should be/what my macros should be and I just try my best to be mindful of that. Don't live and die by macros, they're just a tool!

When is the next Tighter Together?

You know as well as I do! My guess is April!

How do you track or keep pace with rest times in the app?

I rest when I need to. There's a rest timer in the app but I don't utilize that often. If I need to rest, I do, if not, I move on.

Do you utilize the 30 minute versions?

I do! This is a fantastic way to get in and out of the gym in a shorter amount of time if you don't have time for a full length workout. I love that Madeline added this feature.

Length of workouts?

Completely depends on the day. Sometimes I'm in and out in 45 minutes, sometimes workouts can be an hour and 20 minutes depending on how much cardio is involved. You have the ability to get what you want out of the workouts and you're going to see progress either way. Madeline offers a condensed, 30 minute version of every workout when you need it!

Do the workouts save or do they disappear?

If you log the workouts, they're in your app forever!

Whenever it says 3 rounds for a circuit, does that mean just do the 3 sets listed or do the sets listed times 3?

3 sets that are listed, 3 times through for a total of 9 sets!

Do you have to stop and look at your phone often during the workouts?

I have been doing this program for a year now, so now I don't, but I used to look at it quite a bit! Once you learn the names of the exercises/exactly how to do them, you'll be able to look at it less. But this doesn't bother me either way. It takes far less time to glance at my phone every so often than it does to come up with an entire workout on my own!

Does she have something that is 3x a week?

You get 5 workouts a week with weekly moves, so its up to you how many you do. I would still recommend purchasing even if you only plan to do 3 workouts a week. I still think its 100% worth it and you're still going to see progress even if you're not doing all 5.

Is it hard to motivate yourself without it being a group class?

I personally do not enjoy group fitness; I never have! There are a couple of exceptions but for the most part, I've always worked out on my own so this doesn't bother me!

Do input total weight or weight per dumbbell when logging your weight?

Total weight! For example if I use 2, 15lb dumbbells, I enter in 30lbs.

Do you always do the full workout or do you use the 30 minute version too?

I absolutely use the 30 minute option when I need to! There are plenty of nights I only have 30-45 minutes to workout and I use this feature. Don't underestimate what you can do in 30 minutes!

What does HIIT refer to under the cardio section?

High intensity interval training! Madeline offers plenty of examples of HIIT cardio in the notes section, and on her stories when the workouts refer to this style of training. HIIT is any kind of cardio that's going to keep your heart rate in the 180+ range! For me, this means sprints on the treadmill or stairmaster!

Are you able to track strength progression?

Yes! You input your weights for every single workout so you're easily able to see weight progression over time!

Do you workout at home or the gym?

Both; whatever is most convenient for me that day! All workouts can easily be done at home with the right equipment (resistance bands, step up, light and medium weights).

How to you transition from TT to WM? Still counting macros? Intuitively eating? Tips!

This is tough, Madeline did a post on this that explains it better than I could so I'll link it here! For me personally, I'm still loosely tracking, for two reasons. One, I worked really hard during TT, so I want to keep some of that momentum. Two, I'm getting married this summer so I'll be loosely tracking until then! If you're wanting to completely transition to IE, that's great! But you need to transition, don't quit cold turkey. Start a more relaxed approach, maybe tracking 4-5 days a week, and then 2-3, and then none at all. Macros isn't long term for everyone, and it doesn't have to be! Even just doing it for a month can be eye opening and I think you'll be suprised at how it impacts you with your food choices going forward!


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