The Girl Behind Kale!

I'm Aubrey ... The Kale half of KaleKoture! Bianca will provide you with all things beauty and fashion, and I am the health, nutrition and fitness girl. However before we delve into anything too deep, I do want to preface this by saying that I do not have a degree of any kind in health, nutrition, or fitness. And I'm not a personal trainer by any means either. While I am excited to share my knowledge in all of these aspects, I just want you all to know that I am in no way a professional! Now, with that out of the way, here is a little bit about me!I was born and raised in Overland Park, Kansas. I attended the University of Arkansas and graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Education in 2015. I have been teaching Kindergarten in Leawood, Kansas for a year and a half now. I absolutely love what I do, and I'm not exaggerating when I say it is the most fulfilling job I could possibly imagine.You're now probably wondering how any of that relates to health/fitness/nutrition. The truth is, I didn't discover my passion for nutrition and fitness until I was a freshman in college. While I have a huge passion for this area, it was never an interest that was truly big enough for me to take the leap of faith into changing my major and career path completely. And if I'm being honest, I'm truly glad I didn't. My job fills my cup to the brim each and every day, and I know a huge piece of me would be missing if I quit altogether. That being said, this passion in my heart has stayed with me and it's still something I feel the need to pursue without completely giving up teaching. I've spent the past few years sharing my knowledge with friends and family, but I'm ready and excited to share my knowledge on a bigger scale. And here we are! Kale Kouture.Bianca and I both have a creative side and we've both always loved to write. The idea of being able to combine our passion for writing along with our love of fashion and fitness, sparked this whole Kale Kouture thing! We were probably both one glass of wine too deep in conversation at a happy hour a few months ago when we truly thought about putting this idea to the test. We all need a little bit of liquid courage sometimes, right?! Anyway, Bianca wanted to share her knowledge of beauty and fashion on a budget with girls our age. Similarly, I wanted to share my workouts, recipes, product reviews, meal prep ideas, and workout gear on a budget with girls our age. We thought, what better way to do both of these than to combine them into a blog.I am so excited to embark on this journey and am glad you're along for the ride! I hope you continue to check back in with us and follow us not only here, but on our Instagram where will be doing giveaways, updating you about new blog posts, and sharing things we think you'll love. Please feel free to leave comments, questions, blog post suggestions, whatever you want, down at the bottom of this page. We will do our best to comment back and tailor this blog to your interests.Outfit details:Shirt --On sale right now for $9.99!Bra -- this is an older C9 bra from Target, but here are some similar options!~, A


Part One: Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know About Macros