Trader Joes Must Haves

unnamed (1)Nothing excites me more than the fact that you love Trader Joes as much as I do. This is by far the most requested blog post I've ever had! I apologize for those of you who have been asking me about this for months. When you like every single product sold at a grocery store, and you have to compile it into a one page PDF, it presents a challenge.There are two things I love about Trader Joes. Actually that's a lie there are a million, but two main reasons I shop there. First, it's cheap. I'll be honest, being a food blogger is expensive. You feel the need to try each and every new product you see being pumped on Instagram, and before you know it, you've spent your entire paycheck on random stuff at Whole Foods that you're never actually going to eat/you end up hating.Trader Joes is not like that. I eat every single thing I buy from there and it's ridiculously affordable. I'm a teacher, I promise you my definition of affordable is affordable. Produce, pre-packaged foods, everything. I've never picked up something there and thought, "this is overpriced", and put it back. I don't believe eating healthy has to be expensive, so I love sharing things from here because I know that they're affordable, good quality products.The second thing I love about TJ's is that their food is good quality. That's truly the bottom line. Their food is made with good for you ingredients (I'm not saying it's always clean, but definitely better than most store bought products) and I feel good about every thing I eat from there. Except the cookie butter, but that's due to my own lack of self control.One thing I want to mention: I do not buy ALL my groceries from Trader Joe's. There are things I buy from Walmart or Target, strictly because it's cheaper/not necessary to buy at Trader Joe's. That's why you won't see a ton of produce, chicken, or any other more boring staples. You can definitely get these things at TJ's, but it is cheaper to buy them in bulk elsewhere.Okay, anyway, on to why you're really here! THE LIST. Honestly I know I probably forgot a couple of things, but I tried to remember every last thing I love from Trader Joe's. The list could go on for years but then it would look like an inventory sheet of every product they've ever sold and that's not helpful. So I tried to narrow it down for you. I hope you love it and find it helpful! Print it, take it with you, screen shot it, whatever you need to do!If you want to see any of these products/hear about why I love each one of them, they can all be found in my "TJ's faves" Instagram highlights section! They're the small, mint green bubbles! Just scroll over until you find the right one! There, I talk about each item, why I love it, and what I use it for!unnamed (3)I hope you find this helpful the next time you're at Trader Joe's! If you use it, I'd love to know, so comment, DM me on Instgram, let me know! Thanks for reading! Enjoy your week!XO, Aubrey 


35 Minute Sheet Pan Lunch


Creamy Mexican Chicken