Hydrow Review

If you've been following along on my stories the last few months, you've probably noticed a new addition to our home gym: the Hydrow!

We got the Hydrow back in May, and both Taylor and I have been incorporating it into our weekly workout routines ever since. We have absolutely loved it so far, so I wanted to round up some commonly asked Hydrow questions so that I have a place to refer you back to if you're interested!


What is the hydrow?

The Hydrow is "a sleek, low profile rowing machine that uses patented electromagnetic technology to simulate drag, so you feel like you're actually on the water. It has a built-in, 22-inch touchscreen display that offers streaming workouts filmed on water around the world."

When you think of a row machine, I'm sure you think of one you've seen at the gym. They're typically pretty standard. The problem is, as much as I love to row, I get bored super easily. That's what make they Hydrow unique. They use technology called "live outdoor reality" to take you out on the water, so you truly feel like you're experiencing the same, real time workouts the instructors are.

What I love about it, is the fact that it truly is a full body workout. It targets 86% of the muscles in your body; no other piece of equipment does that. And trust me, you feel it! This also means these workouts are effective, to say the least.

I also love that you can tune into live workouts if you want to! It's extremely motivating to be taking a class in real time, with other people. Even if I'm not taking a live workout class, I love being able to see the leaderboard/where I am in comparison to others who have taken the class. If you're competitive at all, you'll love this feature!

How Much Is it?

The Hydrow starts at $2145 and increases depending on what package you're looking for. This can be paid in full, or you can be set up on a monthly payment plan.

How Many Workouts are there?

There are currently over 2500 workouts to choose from in the Hydrow workout library.

How big is the screen?

1920 by 1080 Full HD screen resolution

Do you pay for the classes or does it come with it?

You do pay for the classes separately, they're $38 per month! They offer many types of classes, not just rowing. There are warm ups, cool downs, stretching workouts, yoga, Pilates, as well as functional strength training.


  • You're not limited to how many people in one household can use it, so you're getting more bang for your buck as opposed to a gym membership where each family member needs a membership.

  • It's a complete full body workout, you wouldn't need any other home equipment.

  • You can work out from home!

  • The workouts are not limited to rowing.

  • The workouts are so quick, and so effective.

My Review:

They Hydrow is obviously a splurge in terms of workout equipment, but if you in the market, and are someone who is looking for an all in one piece of workout equipment for a home gym, this is what I would invest in. You get the most bang for your buck with not only the rower itself, but the classes as well. I also love that it's a full body workout, you're working your entire body as opposed to most at home gym equipment which has a focus on one specific body part (ie: legs).

SHop the Hydrow!

Tap this link to take you to the Hydrow shop page!


Hydrow has generously offered me a code for you to use if you choose to purchase! The code is KALEKOUTURE150, it's good for a $150 discount, available until 11/14/2021!

Full disclosure: Hydrow did send me the Hydrow to review, but this is not a paid ad, and all thoughts and opinions are my own!


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