My Macro Counting Journey with The Habyt

If you've been following for any length of time, I'm sure you've heard me talk about macros at one point or another. Macros have been a big part of my life for many years, and I attribute my (now) very healthy relationship with food, to tracking macros and my journey with counting over the years.

If you're interested in my previous posts about macros, I will link them here:

A little back story on where I'm at with macros right now, and how I got here. Throughout high school and the first few years of college, I had a horrible relationship with food. I was restricting like crazy, binging on occasion, over exercising, etc. It was a horrible cycle.

Toward the end of college, I discovered macros. I tracked macros religiously then, and for the first few years post grad. It was everything I needed at that point in my life. I found freedom with food that I'd been missing for so long.

Fast forward to the summer of 2017. I shattered my ankle and that shook things up to say the least. Macros took a backseat as all my time and energy was focused on literally learning how to walk again.

Through that experience and break in tracking, I realized that I really didn't need to rely on religiously tracking anymore. I had a solid foundation of macros, and what my body needed to function; it didn't require me using MyFitnessPal all the time. I felt like I was kind of on "macro cruise control", and that's kind of where I've been ever since.

However, in the last two years there have been a handful of times that I've participated in "30 day challenges". During these brief challenges, there are intense workouts, and you're provided with fairly strict (lower) macros to achieve optimum results at the end of the 30 day period. The macros provided are not meant to be used longer than the 30 day period, and that is made very clear! But I have a hard time letting go of those macros after seeing such great results. I tend to continue with those macros, hoping for even better results (even when I know this isn't sustainable), and then I burn myself out.

This happened after the last challenge I did in June. So that, on top of a really long teacher summer that included many lake trips, happy hours, late nights with friends, etc., meant I was yoyo-ing, and going nowhere. I knew I needed some help finding macro consistency again, and finding the sweet spot where my body functions at its best. I knew that working with the Habyt would provide me with the consistency and accountability I needed, and here we are!

I am now seven weeks in, so a little over halfway, and I'm here to answer all of your Habyt questions!

Do you think a reverse diet is easier, mentally, when you have someone else calculating the numbers?

Yes, I do! Without an extensive knowledge of macros, reversing on your own is really hard. I think it's helpful to have a professional, who has seen people through reverse diets before, guiding you. If I were to be adding macros back in myself, I wouldn't know the first place to begin. Working with someone who has experience in this has given me peace of mind in knowing that I'm not going to fail, or waste my time.

Do you feel you get the support you were promised / are looking for with The Habyt?

Absolutely, yes! My coach (Lexus) is available to me at any time via text and that is so helpful. Macros is not something you can talk to just anyone about, you need someone who knows what they're doing when you need help, so knowing she is just a text away if I need anything, is so helpful. We also have weekly check ins either via phone or online, and both are additional ways she's able to give support / offer feedback at the end of each week.

I also think it's important to note that the relationship you build with your coach will go beyond then "end date" of your commitment with them. They're not going to leave you high and dry when you're done! They're always going to be available in some way, and that is something that was/is really important to me.

What is the cost?

The cost is $199 per month, and it's a 3 month commitment. If you use my name you get $50 off your first month. I know that sounds expensive and it is 100% an investment. But you have to think of it as an investment in yourself. Having a healthy relationship with food, eating the things you enjoy, and still meeting your goals is worth the cost in my opinion.

As someone who at one point had a horrible relationship with food, and struggled for a really, really long time with restrictive eating, you cannot put a price on what I've gained through this experience.

How personalized is the program?

The program is extremely personalized, it has to be for it to work! It's completely tailored to you and your needs/goals.

Is it easier to stay on track a few weeks in? I just started and it's challenging.

Absolutely. I struggled the first three to four weeks. As with anything new, it's a learning curve, even for someone who's tracked before. I hit my stride at week five and I'm really excited to finish out the 12 weeks. But don't be discouraged, your body is still adjusting.

How often are check ins with your coach?

Once a week! But you can get in touch with your coach at any time if needed. That's just when the official check ins are.

Did you love the coaching model vs just receiving your numbers?

This is my favorite aspect of this experience. Having a coach and a close relationship with her is peace of mind for me. I am completely self taught when it comes to macros. I know a ton about them, probably more than the average person after tracking for seven years. But that doesn't mean I know how to calculate my own macros, how to assess how my body is responding to those numbers, or that I know everything there is to know.

Anyone can easily calculate their own numbers off of an online calculator. But that calculator knows nothing about you, your personal history, your relationship with food, your day in and day out activity level, and it definitely isn't able to monitor my progress over the course of 12 weeks and make adjustments where you need them. It's also not a text away when you need help or have questions! This is why a coach is so much more beneficial to me.

How is it different than following Tighter Together macros?

This is a much different experience, but that's why it's such an investment. There are weekly check ins, you log your macros every day, you're working with a coach/have access to them when you need them, they provide grocery lists, feedback, resources, etc. The relationship with your coach and 24/7 access to them is what you're paying for. Whereas with Madeline, you're strictly paying for numbers, and that's why she prices it that way!

Most valuable thing you've learned?

Your body needs more food than you think it does. After coming out of a cutting phase, I was so nervous to increase my macros. However I'm 6 weeks in, I'm eating way more than I was before, and I've lost 4 pounds. That's not to say that will happen for everyone, but it just goes to show that more food is not the enemy. Your body needs fuel, and for someone who's struggled with their relationship with food in the past, sometimes it takes a professional walking you through it to realize that.

What kind of results are you seeing? Physically? Mentally?

Okay so let me be clear, my goal was never to lose weight, which is why you won't see any drastic before and after pictures from me! I had come off of a pretty intense cutting phase that was about 8 weeks long, which was longer than it should have been. When I started with the Habyt, my goal was to slowly increase my macros is a healthy way.

That being said, and I have hardly seen any changes, which means I'm reverse dieting the right way, and my body is responding well! That was my goal! I think it's pretty safe to say that in general, we all think that eating more, is going to make us gain weight. That is simply not true, but it is really hard to believe that. This is especially hard to believe when coming out of a cutting phase where I was eating less than I have in awhile.

For the last six weeks I've been able to honor my cravings and eat more food than I have in years. As a result, I have less food anxiety than I ever have, I am full, I don't stress about going out to eat/drink, my energy levels are up, I'm getting the most out of my workouts, and I'm just happier in general. Food anxiety takes up more mental capacity than we even realize, even when we don't think it does, and this has totally been a breath of fresh air for me.

How often have your macros been tweaked?

My macros have not changed the last six weeks. I have talked to Lexus about this because it's something I wondered about too. I think many people assume that when you're working with a coach, that your macros are always being manipulated. But when you think about it, your body needs time to adjust to new macros for you to really see how it's responding to them. That's not to say they won't change ever, but for now, my body is responding well.

Are you drinking on the program and are you tracking it?

Yes and yes. The beauty of macros is that you can track and calculate anything you want. With that said, obviously it's easier in terms of macros to not make a habit of drinking a ton, but you can have drinks when you want them for sure.

Good for experienced macro counters?

If you're someone that's been counting for a long time and has either plateaued, is trying to reverse diet, haven't had your numbers calculated in awhile, or is struggling in some way (like me!), then yes I absolutely see this as a super beneficial program. Even the best macro counters needs help sometimes!

You may not need 100% as much support as someone who is brand new to macro counting, but what I've gained over the last 6 weeks is well worth the process.

Do you need prior macro knowledge for this program?

100% no. This program requires zero knowledge of macros, I would actually say this program is probably going to MOST benefit someone who has never counted before. The Habyt team will hold your hand throughout this process and make sure you learn everything there is to know about macros in an applicable, and easy to understand way. This is the area they specialize in! You have access to your coach 24/7, all you have to do is text them!

Do you get a custom macro count and 24/7 coach access?

Yes and yes!

What were your goals when starting out?

My goal was to reverse out of my cutting phase that I'd been in prior to now. I followed those macros for longer than I should have and I was starting to see why they weren't meant for longer than 30 days. I was irritable, not eating enough, my workouts were suffering, etc. I wanted someone knowledgeable about macros to help me out of my reverse and to help me increase macros in a sustainable and healthy way!

How do I learn more?

I'm linking The Habyt website here, where you can schedule a consult call with one of their coaches! It's completely free and I highly recommend trying at least the call if you're interested at all!

Do you have a referral code?

If you mention my name during the consult call, they will offer you $50 off your first month's fee!

Who is your coach?

My coach is Lexus and I LOVE her and cannot say enough about her. It's funny, I followed Lexus long before she even coached for the Habyt and we were great friends through IG for years prior to me doing this program. It wasn't until this last summer that we ever talked about me doing this program, but after months of seeing her successfully coach women through this program, I knew it's what I needed.

She is so amazing and will make you feel like you've known her forever. She cares so much and would do anything to help you; it is so evident in every conversation I have with her. She wants nothing more than for you to succeed she makes that clear from day one!

Even though it's not possible for every single person to work with her, ALL of the other Habyt girls are just as amazing, so don't worry if you can't have her! I would trust them all and would happily complete the program with any of them!


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