Easy Ways to Drastically Lighten Up Your Starbucks Favorites


I have teased this graphic for weeks now and I'm so happy to finally be able to share it with you. One thing this has taught me? Graphic design is not my thing. I worked on this for days, perfecting every square inch, which is why it took me so long. But it's by no means perfect, so no judgement from all you crazy talented graphics people out there!

On to the good stuff! Why I created this.

I created this graphic for a couple of reasons. First of all, I know how many Starbucks fanatics there are following along. One of the most popular questions I get asked is, what my favorite Starbucks drink is. Therefore, I knew there was interest in that aspect of the graphic, if nothing else!

But one of the more important reasons I created this is because I don't think many people realize how easy it is to drastically lower the amounts of sugar in a Starbucks drink, without sacrificing any of the flavor in your favorite drink. You just have to know the right swaps!

Lucky for you, I've done the (expensive) market research behind figuring out exactly how to do this!

Which then leads me to my next point, how much sugar there actually is in some of the most popular Starbucks drinks! Let me preface by saying, if you want the full fat, full sugar version of your favorite drink every once in awhile, BY ALL MEANS, have it!

I am not saying it's not okay to treat yourself with the real deal. I don't think it's a great idea to make it a 5-morning-a-week habit, but every so often, of course!

However, I just don't think many people know, or even realize what they're actually drinking. Some people think, it's just coffee, but the amount of fat and/or sugar in said coffee, I think would shock you. I'll give you some examples.

  • Grande Pumpkin Spice Latte
    • 14g fat, 44g carbs, 42g sugar
  • Grande Iced Caramel Macchiato
    • 7g fat, 37g carbs, 34g sugar
  • Grande Iced Chai Tea Latte
    • 4g fat, 44g carbs, 42g sugar

To give you an idea of the amount of sugar in those drinks: a Snickers bar has 20g of sugar. So with any of those options, and many other popular Starbucks drinks, you're almost doubling that, just in your morning coffee.

I know most people wouldn't choose to start their day with two Snickers bars, but that's essentially what you're doing when you drink those. Kind of eye opening!

All that to say, there are many ways to combat the amount of sugar in your favorite drinks, you just have to know how to concoct the right drink! I am by no means saying this graphic I've created is magical, but it's a starting point.

It may take you a couple of tries to nail down what you love, but I can promise you that no matter what you create based off this graphic, the amount of sugar won't even be comparable to the amounts in the drinks listed above.

Something else I'll mention, yes, I drink the sugar free syrups from Starbucks. Some would argue that those are just as bad as the full sugar syrups. Here's what I'll say: in my opinion, the negative effects of consuming the astronomical amounts of sugar in a normal Starbucks drink, far outweigh the negative effects of consuming trace amounts of fake sugar in a sugar free syrup.

Obviously, do with that what you will! To each their own, but that's how I feel about "fake sugar".

On to the reason you're here, the graphic! I hope you enjoy this, and I hope it's as easy to read and follow as I think it is! As always, please reach out/DM me with any questions. And tag me of course if you use it!

If you want to save it / share it, hold down the graphic and click "add to photos"! That way you can send to friends, post it on your story, etc.


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