Q + A with Madeline Custer

If you have been following me for any length of time, you know my love for Madeline Custer and her workout programs. I talk about her ALL the time, and that is because I am so passionate about her and her app. Her Weekly Moves app has totally changed the way I workout, and I am so thankful to have found her via Instagram.

I started following Madeline over two years ago, long before her app or workout programs were even in existence, which is kind of crazy to think about now! I felt instantly connected to her because she was a teacher - she was still teaching elementary PE at the time! Although there was no app yet, she was sharing her long distance runs, macro nutrient insight, and Planet Fitness workouts via IG story.

At the time I started following Madeline, I had most recently completed three rounds of Kayla Itsines BBG (Bikini Body Guide). The program was effective in some ways, but I wasn't achieving the results I wanted, and I absolutely dreaded every single workout I did. I didn't want to continuously feel that way about my workouts.

I lost a some weight doing BBG due to the fact that I was essentially doing HIIT cardio for 28 minutes a day, but I also wasn't getting stronger. I wasn't building any muscle, or gaining any endurance, and I didn't feel "athletic"; I was simply burning calories.

Over the course of the next couple of months, I followed along as Madeline created her app, and started walking her followers through what the workouts looked like.

I finally got to a point where I couldn't do one more 28 minute BBG circuit, so my friend Alexa and I decided to jump ship, and purchase the app. That was February of 2019, and I haven't looked back since.

I have since completed Madeline's "Move Sweat Shred" guide, countless weeks of "Weekly Moves", and two "Tighter Together" challenges. I cannot say enough about these programs and what they have done for me. I look forward the workouts I do, I have seen incredible changes in my strength, and I feel better, inside and out.

Watching Madeline evolve, and getting to know her over the course of the last two years, has been so fun for me. I have learned so much from her in such a short amount of time, and I feel lucky to have gotten to know her as I have. I truly cherish our IG "friendship" and I can't wait to meet her in real life one of these days!

What I love about Instagram that is I get to share what and who I am passionate about, and one of those people is Madeline. I selfishly wanted to get to know more about her, and I knew you guys would too, so I asked her to be my guest post this month! She happily agreed and I'm so excited to be able to share this with you.

If you have more questions about her programs, app, or my experience with it, please feel free to reach out and ask via DM. I'm also linking the full blog post where I answer the most commonly asked FAQs!

Q + A

  • How did you come up with your idea to create an app? 

Honestly, I didn’t. It was something that naturally progressed as people started asking for the workouts I was sharing on IG more and more. It started with just a skeleton outline of the workouts that I would DM to people who were asking, then I created a PDF (Move Sweat Shred) and then some friends from college who had gone into the online training platform space called me and said it was really time to expand to an app in order to give people a better experience. I never thought my workouts would be anything other than my own-- yes, I studied all of the ins and outs of personal training, psychology, anatomy and physiology, etc throughout my undergrad, but my intention was so teach (physical education) and coach (soccer/ conditioning & fitness)  until Drew and I had kids. God had different plans in many ways.

  • Any future plans for the app/ways you want to grow the MM community?

One thing I do NOT think I excel in: marketing-- it was never my intent to go widespread with MM and I still shrink back from a lot of opportunities just because it feels too foreign to me. In ways, I’m sure I’m stunting growth from that, but I think I get to keep other areas of my life that I value as a result of setting some boundaries. I would LOVE to take this outside of an app-- to meet some of the incredible women who have become friends and workout partners. The first of these events was scheduled for March, but we needed to cancel for obvious reasons. That’s something I would love to foster-- the opportunity for real people to connect in meaningful ways.

  • Did you ever think it would lead you to where you are now?

Well, no-- definitely not in some areas. I never thought people would care about my crappy workout videos that I record using my front facing camera propped on my water bottle on a step ladder in my garage (truly egregious as far as content creation standards go). I certainly never thought people would recognize Drew at the grocery store (he turns so red haha). BUT in a lot of ways I feel like we are where we have been: South Carolina, crazy about our nieces and nephews, itching to travel, thankful to be healthy and just trusting that God can use us in His ways for His will.

  • What is your favorite workout besides the MM workouts?

CYCLEBAR. I had the opportunity to take some classes early last year in a local studio and let me tell you-- my rhythm is truly laughable, but I couldn’t care less. The music gets loud, the room gets dark, and I feel like I can’t wait for it to end and NEVER want it to end all at once. I also love to play tennis, swim, run-- anything outdoors!

  • If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

Loaded question. Drew and I cannot get enough of the wide open spaces and mountains out West-- Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah--- etc. We would move in a heartbeat except that we would need to convince about 35 people to do the same. At this stage in life, we just can’t let go of our friends and family in exchange for the mountains…...but MAN, do we think about it.

  • What are your top three favorite places you've traveled?

Zermatt, Switzerland


Banff, Canada 

  • Tell us your dream vacation spot, some place you haven't been yet!

I always opt for warm vacations because Drew always chooses cold, so I would say the Maldives!

  • What do you miss most about teaching?

You’ll understand this as a teacher-- working with kids is NOT for the faint of heart, but their purity and optimism and untainted joy is the most refreshing atmosphere in the world. When the lightbulb goes on and their faces BEAM with pride at a new skill or a good play or overcoming a challenge-- to be part of that is magic.

  • What is your last meal on Earth? 

Probably 6 lbs pounds of seared tuna and an entire key lime pie

  • What is your favorite IG memory?

Honestly, I think just having it to look back on. It’s kind of a diary in a way. There are trips documented, weddings, TT challenges, moves, hard lessons, marathons, etc…..and it does represent a lot of amazing memories. But I would also say just the people that I’ve gotten to “know” as a result. It’s a weird world we live in, but I truly have some precious friends that I’ve never met from IG.

  • What is your favorite bible verse?

This verse has become more and more of a mantra for me in the past few months and year. To be honest, I don’t live in a way that says I believe it most days-- but I’m TRYING to have my heart believe it, not just say it. Things that I thought would be already in the past that haven’t happened continually point me back to this:

Proverbs 16:9 The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.

  • What is your ideal date night with Drew?

MMMM-- I really really like experiences over anything else. Something like a cooking class or playing tennis or going to a new restaurant or taking a drive to Asheville, NC for the day. We recently tried our hand at sushi--- definitely a skill we have yet to master. And then just coming home and getting in the hot tub-- we have spent so much time chatting and laughing in that thing through quarantine. AND NO PHONES. 

  • What is one thing you want to teach your future kids?

To be humble, kind,  willing to work and that knowing Jesus is not always easy, but it’s deeply worth it. The best things in life take work and don’t come easily all the time.

  • What are three long term goals you have?

I want to be a Mom-- a mom who really cherishes her role-- like my Mom :)

I want to be better about delegating. I’m too highly invested in some of the less important business-related tasks that arise. At times I convince myself that I’m the only person who can do certain things and that’s simply not true.

Be more willing to share Jesus and His love. I scoot past a lot of opportunities and in the end, it’s the only thing of lasting value I have to share….but I let fear speak to me when faith should be talking.

Where you can find Madeline!

Her Website: https://madelinemoves.com/

Her Instagram: www.Instagram.com/madeline_moves


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