Cookie Butter Protein Puppy Chow

I got this recipe up way sooner than anticipated and that is because after I asked about creating this recipe, someone told me cookie butter is being discontinued store ... needless to say, I freaked.

If that happens, I'm not sure what I'll do, but I'm going to hope and pray Trader Joe's wouldn't actually do that to us.

That being said, go buy all the cookie butter and make this recipe before it goes away!

But First ...

But first, what do you call it? Muddy buddies or puppy chow? If you call it muddy buddies, you can't make these. It's puppy chow, don't @ me.

I got the inspiration from this as I was strolling the aisles of the grocery store the other day. I walked by a box of pre-made puppy chow from the bakery that was TEN DOLLARS.

I immediately thought, are people seriously buying this?! It's so dang easy to make! I haven't made it in forever so this was clearly a sign!

As with anything I bake, I'm always trying to a) eliminate ingredients, and b) make it healthy, obvi. And here we are! I really didn't change much about the original Chex Mix Puppy Chow Recipe, I just took out some of the powdered sugar and replaced it with protein powder! Super easy!

Protein Powder

Here is where you have to be careful: the protein powder. All protein powders are NOT created equal, that's the bottom line. There are protein powders that are good for making into shakes and smoothies, and then there are protein powders that are good for baking.

Not every protein powder is going to work in this recipe because you are literally coating the cereal in the protein powder. That being said, if you wouldn't eat your protein powder dry, it probably isn't suited for this recipe.

If your puppy chow turns out horribly, I guarantee it's because the protein powder you're using isn't good quality/is not a good protein powder for baking.

I use IHeartMacros, as I do for every single recipe I bake with. I will never buy another protein powder, it's THAT good. It's good in every recipe you'll ever find on KaleKouture, I promise you.

My best advice: buy IHeartMacros! It's worth every penny! It's delicious and made for people who have a hard time digesting whey, which is also why it's so good for baking. The formula is unmatched. My code is: KALE20!


  • 8 cups
  • cookie butter
  • cinnamon chips
  • powdered sugar
  • vanilla protein powder (I use IHeartMacros)

Cookie Butter Protein Puppy Chow

This recipe needs no explanation. It's my favorite recipe, combined with my favorite ingredient: puppy chow and cookie butter. There is not a single person on the face of this planet who wouldn't love it! It's so easy to make, it makes a huge batch, and it's the best dessert ever, plain and simple. I hope you love it as much as I do!

  • 8 cups rice chex cereal
  • 1/2 cup cookie butter
  • 1 cup cinnamon chips (any chocolate would work too!)
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/2 cup vanilla protein powder (I use IheartMacros)
  1. Start by placing your rice cereal into a large mixing bowl.

  2. Combine cinnamon chips and cookie butter into a small bowl, and microwave in 30 second increments until completely melted.

  3. While you're microwaving the chocolate, combine protein powder and powdered sugar in a small bowl, and stir until combined.

  4. Pour cookie butter mixture over the cereal and stir gently until the cereal is fully coated.

  5. Then dump the powdered sugar / protein powder mixture on top, and shake gently until the cereal is coated

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