Protein Steel Cut Oats

I truly can't think of an easier way to prep a week's worth of breakfast, other than by using the crock pot. People think to use their crock pots for soups and chili, but I don't think crock pots come to mind when most people hear the word "breakfast".

These steel cut oats are the bomb. They're easily customizable to whatever flavor combinations you love, and they're packed full of protein to keep you full all morning.

Also, did I mention it requires a total of zero prep time? The easiest recipe of all time.


One thing I will note: you don't have to use protein powder if that's not your thing! Adding protein adds to the creamy vanilla flavor, and it obviously adds protein, but you don't have to use it if you don't want to!

I have talked about this before, but I feel like it's worth mentioning again: the protein you use matters.

Some get extremely clumpy and/or gritty when you combine them with other ingredients. Some don’t dissolve correctly in the steel cut oats, some are chunky, etc. There are a lot of reasons certain protein powders don’t work; all you need to know is that I only use ONE!

I have yet to have a single person tell me they didn’t love this protein and that is rare when it comes to protein powders!

You can find it here, and my code is AUBREY which will get you 10% off your purchase!

Note — if you have it on hand, Clean Simple Eats will work too, I just prefer Iheartmacros for baking/cooking!


  • steel cut oats

  • IHeartMacrosProtein (I use vanilla, but chocolate or blueberry cream would be amazing too!)

  • water


Steel Cut Protein Oats

The easiest, and laziest way to prep five days worth of breakfast! Totally my style. This recipe requires two ingredients, and very minimal effort. It's full of protein to keep you full all morning long. I love it because of its versatility! This is totally a base recipe so it can be tailored to whatever you want to mix it with! Dried fruit, nut butter, whatever you like. This will become one of your breakfast recipe staples in no time.

  • 1 + 2/3 cups steel cut oats

  • 4 scoops IHeartMacros vanilla protein

  • 5 cups water

  1. I always line my crock pot with a crock pot liner before I start cooking, but if you don't' mind scrubbing your crock pot after you cook something, this part isn't necessary!

  2. Turn your crock pot on low, add your steel cut oats, and water, and let it cook for two hours! I know it seems like a ton of water, but these little guys soak it all up and expand like crazy so just trust me on this!

  3. At two hours (the halfway point) you're going to add your vanilla protein powder. You'll want to stir it to dissolve it the best you can; you don't want it clumpy! I use a mini whisk to do this! The oats should be hot enough to help dissolve it all the way, but if there are a few little lumps, don't worry, they'll cook out! At this point, add more water if you need to.

  4. Put the lid on and cook for two more hours, and they're done!

  5. Portion into 5 separate containers to enjoy as a protein packed, quick and easy prepped breakfast!


The topping choices for these oats are endless! It kind of depends on what flavor protein powder you use, but here are a couple of options:

  • freeze dried apples + cinnamon

  • freeze dried berries + vanilla greek yogurt

  • cinnamon chips + a little canned pumpkin

  • chocolate chips + peanut butter

  • freeze dried bananas + peanut butter

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