Honey Almond Cheese Cups

I didn't know how into this recipe you guys would be, seeing as though Thanksgiving is less than 48 hours away. I kind of assumed everyone would be done with their shopping / planning already. But after polling you guys on my story, it just turns out you really are my people.

I work better under pressure, what can I say?! Or I just truly don't have my you know what together, probably a combination of both. But if I'm being honest, the very best recipes happen when I'm throwing things together last minute, rather than losing my mind trying to perfect a recipe.

The reason this recipe came about was because the cheese I use in this recipe, was on major sale at the store the other day. Taylor and I use it any time we have a wine night at home, so when I saw it on sale, I grabbed it thinking we'd surely use it sometime during the holiday week.

We normally eat the cheese spread on crackers, or we drizzle it with honey and add crushed almonds. However, it's as messy as it sounds, and clearly not a portable recipe by any means.

But just as I picked up the cheese, I realized one of the end caps had the phyllo cups. It occurred to me that I could fill each one, add honey and almonds and all of a sudden it's the perfect, portable finger food!

Another reason this recipe is so great? I know that right now, we're all trying to be extra careful about germs, our hands touching things, etc. I feel like dips may not be the way to go this holiday season, just because it requires everyone to kind of congregate together, have everyone's hands constantly in the same place, etc.

Having individual snacks/appetizers is totally the way to go this holiday season, so if nothing else, gold star for me for creating something one might say is, "Covid friendly"!

What You'll Need

  • Phyllo cups
  • spreadable cheese
  • honey
  • crushed almonds

Just a note, any spreadable cheese will work! We use Alouette garlic and herb, and you can typically find it anywhere, but anything you like will work. Goat cheese would also be amazing too!

As for the topping, I like using chopped nuts best, but sliced fruit would be great too if that's what you'd prefer! Strawberries or pomegranate seeds would both be really festive and are always good with a soft cheese!



Honey Almond Cheese Cups

One of the easiest appetizer recipes ever! This recipe requires minimal ingredients and minimal prep time, but they look top notch. It's an easy recipe to double depending on the amount you need! Lastly, it's a super cheap recipe to make, and they're down right delicious. They're a surefire crowd pleaser!

  • 15 phyllo shells
  • 6.5 oz tub of Alouette Garlic Herb Spread Cheese
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1/4 cup crushed almonds
  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

  2. Line a baking sheet with the phyllo cups.

  3. Spray with a light spray of olive oil to make them extra crispy!

  4. Put in the oven for 3-5 minutes, but watch them as closely as possible! If they burn, the recipe is ruined so keep an eye on them.

  5. Let them cool for a couple of minutes so you can handle them/they won't crack when you fill them.

  6. Fill each cup with a spoonful of cheese, drizzle with honey, top with crushed almonds.

Serve cold, at room temp, or warm in the oven for just minute or two before serving! Again, keep an eye on them. Enjoy!

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