Birthday Cake Protein Balls

If you know me, you know that protein balls are my jam. They are so easy to make and having quick, healthy snacks on hand is what keeps me from unintentionally eating an entire box of Cheez Its during the week.

The base recipe for all of my protein balls is the same, which is what makes it so easy for me to create so many different variations! This base is perfectly sweet, with just enough peanut butter, and pairs perfectly with virtually any mix in or topping you choose!

However, I think this version just might be my new favorite. You guys know I'm an absolute sucker for anything and everything birthday cake. The addition of one secret birthday cake ingredient makes these guys top notch. Keep scrolling to find out what it is!


The protein powder you use in a protein ball recipe is actually really, really important. Trust me when I say, I’ve tried them all and they are not all created equally.

Some get extremely clumpy and/or gritty when you combine them with other ingredients. Some don’t melt seamlessly with the peanut butter, some are chunky, etc. There are a lot of reasons certain protein powders don’t work; all you need to know is that I only use ONE!

The vanilla protein powder I use for all of my recipes is the best protein powder I’ve ever used. It works well in any recipe I’ve ever tried it in, it doesn’t dry things out, and the flavor is amazing. I could go on, just trust me.

I have taken the guess work out of trying tons of powders and brands, because once you try IheartMacros, you’ll never go back.

This powder was created for people who have a hard time digesting protein (many people have a whey protein intolerance without even knowing it) so it’s super easy on your stomach if you've ever had issues with that!

I have yet to have a single person tell me they didn’t love this protein and that is rare when it comes to protein powders!

You can find it here, and my code is KALE20 which will get you 20% off your purchase!


  • protein: 6g
  • carbs: 12g
  • fat: 7g

About the Granola

As I know you will ask, yes, the granola is necessary in this recipe, and yes I do highly recommend the Safe and Fair brand. The birthday cake flavor in this recipe solely comes from the birthday cake granola, so without it, it won't be birthday cake flavored.

If you don't mind that, use whatever granola you have on hand!


  • creamy peanut butter
  • honey
  • vanilla protein powder
  • Safe and Fair Birthday Cake granola


Birthday Cake Protein Balls

This recipe is a favorite protein ball recipe of mine! It is just what it sounds like, birthday cake in protein ball form! These little guys contain one of my all time favorite ingredients: Safe and Fair Birthday Cake granola. That is truly what makes this recipe, so if you don't have one, get some and get to making! Birthday cake you don't have to feel bad about, who wouldn't love that?

  • 1 cup creamy peanut butter
  • 4 Tsbp honey
  • 2 scoops vanilla protein powder (I use IheartMacros)
  • 1 cup Safe and Fair Birthday Cake granola (Make sure its really broken up and fine; I threw the bag on the ground a few times because I'm lazy. What I would really recommend is throwing it in your blender for a quick pulse. You want it to be super fine!)
  1. Microwave the peanut butter and honey for 1 minute, then whisk together.

  2. Fold in the protein powder until thoroughly combined and not clumpy! Mix quickly.

  3. Then add in your granola!

  4. If you don't think your mixture is thick enough to hold a protein ball shape at this point, refrigerate mixture for 5-10 mins so that the batter can firm up!

  5. Use a cookie dough scoop to make 15-16 even bites, place on wax paper and top with sprinkles if desired.

  6. Refrigerate until you’re ready to eat!

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River Spirit Resort, Oklahoma


Cake Batter Bites